A Method for the Examination of the Same Nannofossil Specimens from the Light Microscope to the Scanning Electron Microscope


  • Dennis J. Greig


Techniques are described in the literature for the examination of the same calcareous nannoplankton specimens by both light and scanning electron microscopy. Disadvantages that I have observed with these methods include time consuming coordinate systems, the loss of specimens during the procedure, and the initial examination starting with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) rather than with the light microscope (LM). The initial study of specimens with the light microscope is advantageous because of the much larger LM field of view that enables one to easily locate rare species in the sample. The method described below is the only one that I have found to be satisfactory for routine use. It is similar to the preparation technique described by Moshkovitz (1974, pp. 145-147), in that transmission electron microscope copper grids are used. The method described herein was developed independently, however, and is more easily and effectively implemented.


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